Saturday, October 19, 2013

Polar and Nonpolar

IONIC is composed of metals and nonmetals while COVALENT is composed of two nonmetal elements.

If it is a covalent bond, we can classify it as POLAR or NON-POLAR.

POLAR - Unequal sharing of electrons
NON-POLAR - Equal sharing of electrons

One way to determine  if it is polar or non-polar is the electronegativity.
We have to subtract the electronegativity and if the result is:
0 - Non-polar
0.1- 1.6 - Polar

If it is 1.7 up, it is Ionic.

Dipole - Partial positive and negative charge in same direction.
If we cancel, this is non-polar. Example is CO2

If it is i the same direction, it is polar. Example is H2O
And also, all symmetrical shape and hydrocarbons are non polar. Just so you know. ;)

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